Are you struggling with creating warmth and unity in your interior or would you like to get your ideas regarding your interior visualized before making renovation plans or a big purchase?
Choosing colour, making floor plans, create atmosphere and visualizing this. That is my expertise and I would love to help you with this.

it's not just the looks,
A beautiful interior, that's our main goal. But a well-designed interior is, in my opinion, more than just a pretty picture. Your interior is your home base, your safe haven, which should awake a feeling of warmth, security and safety in you.
That feeling is what I strive for in my designs.

Een warm, tijdloos en persoonlijk interieur.
A warm, timeless and personal interior design, that is
Mae Design's expertise. Because my services are completely digital, it is important to me that I really get to know you as a person as well as your wishes regarding your home. After all, it is your home I will work for. My mission is to design an interior which reflects your personality and truly touches you. Not an average design, but a unique concept for every client.
Vooral bij het kopen van een nieuwbouwwoning kan het lastig zijn een inschatting te maken van de daadwerkelijke ruimte in huis straks. Met een 360° Panorama Tour kun je digitaal binnenstappen en rondkijken in jouw droominterieur, nog voordat de bouw begonnen is. Versleep het beeld en word ondergedompeld in je toekomstige woning.
360° Panorama Tour
Versleep het beeld...
en word ondergedompeld in je toekomstige woning.